How to read Review Center comments in the mobile app?

Students with access to the iOS mobile app can read tutor comments in-app. Here's how students can read the tutor feedback after accessing Paper on the mobile app. 


  1. Click My Work, located on the lower menu. Paper_mobile_my_work.jpeg
  2. Select the reviewed submission; you want to read the tutor's comments Paper_mobile_reviewed_paper.jpeg
  3. Click View tutor comments on the Tutor review page.  In this section, students can also read a general message from the tutor about the student's work.  Paper_mmobile_View_tutor_comments.jpeg
  4. Click on the boxes next to the highlighted sections of the .pdf file to open the comment.  Paper_mobile_commen_box.jpeg
  5. Click Done to go back to the document and continue to read the tutor's comments. Paper_mobile_done.jpeg



  • Only iOS users can read the tutor's comments in-app. Not available for Android users. 
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