How do students leave feedback on a Live Help session?

Students can leave feedback about their tutors at the end of their Live Help tutoring session.


  1. When the student is ready to end their Live Help session, they click “End Session”.
  2. A pop-up appears asking students to confirm they’d like to end the session.
  3. The next screen will ask students about their session
  4. The student will click ‘submit’ once they have selected their feedback.
    • If the student does not wish to submit feedback about their session, they can click ‘skip feedback’.
  5. The student will be taken back to the session and given the opportunity to leave any additional comments or feedback by typing directly in the pop-up bubble.
  6. Once the student has clicked the ‘send’ button icon, a green banner reading "thank you for your feedback" will appear, confirming the submission was successful.

Student feedback will be submitted to the Paper team anonymously.


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